Use Cases

Artificial Intelligence, The future of Health-Care

In today’s fast-paced healthcare environment, the need for efficient, accurate patient care and health-care records is more critical than ever. Electronic Patient Care Reporting (skieCARE) product is designed to address this challenge by streamlining the updating of patient records by paramedics and medical practitioners. With a simple click using a unique code, paramedics and doctors gain access to their session. Once the patient health records is diagnosed for cure, the data is processed, and reports are generated for submission to insurance company for revenue.

skieCARE EHR /EPCR Application Use Cases


  • The web application is feature rich connects health-care systems and medical services team seamlessly
  • Helps medical practitioners perform at ease because of the user-friendly UI-UX navigation systems
  • Admin rights, rules, field customization is precise and performance oriented so that data collection and integration is feather touch
  • Overcoming uncertainty through agility


  • Mobility makes EHR/PECR application reliability with confidence for users/medical service professionals
  • Users can get rid of calling/storing numbers reaching out emergency medical providers and health-care professionals
  • Relevant Log-in navigates to the respective user fields for the purpose/activities
  • skieCARE mobile app collects patient data/info and generates health care records for necessary involvements and responders in REAL-TIME

Calendar Connectivity & AI Scheduling

  • Nearby services for ambulatory/medical centres (proximity & availability based)
  • Geofencing lead management helps ambulatory/medical services calendarized
  • AI scheduling timely pop-up reminders, revive/accept confirmation for flawless execution

Patient Admission Notification

  • Admissions can be emergency and or based or criticality or at regular intervals, is managed timely and informed accordingly with skieCARE
  • Every patient who needs hospital/medical services care straight from home to hospital and treatment is well recorded and documented in skieCARE

Paramedics Patient Diagnosis

  • All patients who procure ambulatory services, undergo paramedics diagnosis and record the pre-medical health condition check-ups for doctor attention
  • Paramedics complete the medical record protocol process completion for the final records submission to insurance company for services rendered revenue reimbursement

Patient Medical Records

  • Every time a new admission happens there are two main records things
  • Ambulatory Services records the current condition of patient
  • These records are transferred to same /other hospitals/medical practitioners for further cure to care is recorded on every instances
  • Every patient records data/information is transferrable subjected to the approval of the Patient for rendered services INSURANCE Claims

AI Clinical Documentation Improvement

  • Use of skieCARE AI algorithms to analyze for advanced clinical documentation
  • Generates reminders & Pop-ups to Improve missing or incomplete information
  • Delivers Real-time feedback, enhance accuracy & completeness of PCR

AI Predictive Analytics

  • skieCARE AI forecasts the likelihood of adverse events or the risk of readmission
  • Identify patterns, trends indicating health ++ issues, deterioration

Patient Pre-Medical Care Records – Reported Daily/Weekly/Monthly

  • Ambulatory Services Centres, EMT And Paramedics records are very critical and important for record submissions and payment collection, daily, weekly and or monthly.
  • Admins and or owners of ASC’s can download completed recorded timely for payment on time or collective submission for one full large payment

Insurance Companies benefits with skieCARE

  • No need of emails or attachments from ASC’s or hospitals, insurance companies gets privilege of logging into skieCARE to receive completed patient records
  • Helps both organisations with mutual understanding and best of clarity
  • Reduces the load of checking record incompleteness, avoid confusions and delay of payment releases and reimbursement for respective ASC’s/Medical service providers

We Value Your Time, Data, Engagement & Money !